Lorain County Stormwater Management District General Engineering Services
KEM was hired by Lorain County to develop a comprehensive stormwater program. The project included the development of a joint Stormwater District and stormwater utility fee, which incorporates the County and Townships. KEM developed a Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) in accordance with Ohio EPA’s NPDES MS4 permit. Following development of the SWMP, KEM worked with the County to meet the six minimum control measures required by the permit, which includes the development of an Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program, an Operation and Maintenance Program, and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans for the municipal facilities within the MS4. KEM is also providing GIS mapping of the MS4, Dry Weather Screenings and Tracing for the County. KEM is currently working with the County to expand the district through the inclusion of cities and villages.