Marion County Grave Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Rebid

Marion County Grave Creek Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Rebid

Project Description:

Sealed bids will be received at the Marion County Commissioner’s Office, 222 West Center Street, Marion, Ohio 43302, until 9:45am on February 20, 2025, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud, for the project known as Grave Creek Interceptor Sewer Rehabilitation Project.

This is a Rebid for a project that originally advertised on November 14th and 21st, 2024.  The original bids were opened on January 9th, 2025.

The project consists of cleaning, televising and cured-in-place lining of approximately 13,332 linear feet of 27” through 36” diameter sanitary sewer. All costs associated with cleaning the trunk sewer and all bypass pumping required to install the liner per the specifications shall be included in the unit prices for the various diameters of CIPP liner. Additionally, 55 sanitary manholes are to be rehabilitated along the interceptor sewer. Two Bid Alternates have also been added: Alternate 1 consists of cured-in-place lining of approximately 1,720 linear feet of 24” diameter sanitary sewer. Alternate 2 consists of cured-in-place lining of approximately 2,292 linear feet of 18” diameter sanitary sewer.

The estimated cost of construction is $3,935,480.

The Information for Bidders, Form of Bid, Form of Contract, Plans, Specifications, and other contract documents may be examined at KE McCartney & Associates, 52 North Diamond Street, Mansfield, Ohio 44902 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM.

In order to be a plan holder of record and eligible to submit a bid, bidders will be required to purchase and download an electronic set of plans and bid documents via the KEM website. All documents become the property of the prospective bidder, with no portion of the payment being refunded. Should you have any questions during the bidding process please contact

Please note: Downloading documents from this website signifies that you have reviewed and accepted KEM’s Agreement for Transfer and Use of Electronic Files.